.. An old piece I wrote a long time ago. Became relevant again to me recently, so I thought a repost was in order.
Friday, August 28, 2009
It’s as if I’ve opened my eyes for the first time and began to look around. Maybe at myself, maybe at the people around me… but what I see is apathy. People living just for the sake of being alive. For myself, I fall into this rut of the same routine, day in and day out… living just to reach my pillow at night, only to wake up and do it again. And the whole time I’m relatively indifferent about the whole process. Why is that? Is it culture that dictates my lack of passion?
We’re taught these days to be accepting of everything and everyone, because truth for one person may not be truth for the other. We even strive to be accepted by all. Where in the world did these ideas come from?!? Why do we allow ourselves to be brainwashed into relativism? Where is the passion in that?? If I’m gonna live for a purpose or a conviction, then not everyone is gonna like it but I will not waver, and I’m certainly not going to stand idly by and just “accept it” when someone stands for something that I know to be false. What if Martin Luther had fallen for this apathetic approach to life and just accepted what society told him to accept? We would have never gotten the 95 theses, and the Catholic church would have continued to make a mockery of organized religion.
I’m sure we don’t need a history lesson here, but there are countless others who stood up against the flow to take a stand for their own deep rooted convictions... I can think of 13 right off the bat. Their names were Simon Peter, Andrew, James the son of Zebedee, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon, Matthias, and my personal favorite; Jesus Christ. All with the exception of one (John) were brutally murdered because they stood for something that the world told them not to stand for. Talk about passion…
So what does the Bible say of my apathy? Oh, what do you know… right there in Colossians 3. And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men. Colossians 3:23. It tells us right there in black and white that WHATEVER we are doing, we should do it passionately with zeal, fervor, and purpose. I don’t know about you, but that’s who I want to be. I want to wake up every morning, shake off my apathy, and live with purpose. I want people to know that I’m unwavering in my convictions and that I will not yield.
Life is vain if all I do is live. I want more than that. I was created for more than that… I was created to be passionate and to stand when all those around me fall. Because just like those 13 guys… I am grounded in my convictions, and I believe, even unto death, in my faith in Jesus Christ and in my life’s desire to passionately serve him and him alone. What do I have to be apathetic about?? I have a purpose and a hope, and that’s where my passion thrives.
I’m just saying… enough of the apathy