Monday, April 11, 2011

The Final Summit Review

The Final Summit
By: Andy Andrews

The Final Summit for me was a good read, but not a great read. I am very familiar with the work of Andy Andrews, as I have read The Traveler's Gift, as well as the The Noticer and The Butterfly Effect. While The Final Summit was filled with nuggets of wisdom, it lacked the power that was present in The Traveler's Gift that left me, as a reader, feeling like I had walked away with something that I could hold onto.

I found it hard to suspend reality and accept the storyline in this book. A summit of some of the greatest minds in history in order to “save humanity” is a bit of a stretch for me. While I agree with some of the points that were made, I'm not sure I agree with the conclusion; “Do Something.” In its simplicity this answer seems great, but it is lacking the one thing that ultimately has the power to change the human race, and that is Jesus Christ

If there is one point that Mr. Andrews seemed to have missed in his portrayal of the woes that each of the traveler's faced, it is the fact that each of them were aided by a heavenly force in the moment of their greatest test. Each of them obtained help from Gabriel, or Michael, but ULTIMATELY... From God. “Do Something” seems to insinuate that there is something that we can do in and of ourselves that will save us from our sin, or from our situation. This premise simply is not true. It is only through surrender of ourselves and of our situation, and fully relying on the Creator that we can ever have the hope of a brighter tomorrow.

Now, am I saying that “Do Something” is a bad point? Not in the least. I agree that in the moments of greatest adversity, true greatness can be seen in those that do something; that choose to lead, or choose to make a stand. I think it is an awesome principle to live by, that this day, right now, I choose to make the best of my situation and do something. No longer will I be lazy and complacent, but I will work and strive and “press,” as Paul says, “toward the prize.” HOWEVER, it is only when that work and struggle is done in and through Christ that it will amount to a victory.

Keep in mind, this is merely my humble opinion.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”